भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान पररिद
कृषि षिक्षा षिभाग, कृ. अनु. भ. -II, पूसा, नई षदल्ली -110012
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Agricultural Education Division, KAB-II, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
F.No. Agril. Edn./1/6/2018-Exam Cell Date: 13.03.2024
Subject: Admission to Under-graduate (UG), Post-graduate (PG) and Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree
programs, under ICAR All India Quota (AIQ) seats, in Agriculture and Allied Sciences for Academic Year-2024-25.
It is for the information of all prospective candidates that the tentative date of
examination for AIEEA (PG) and AICE (Ph.D.) has been conveyed by the NTA and the examination
may be conducted on 15th June, 2024.
However, the admission to the ICAR All India Quota seats in UG programs will be through CUET (UG)-2024 for which registration is open from 27/02/2024 to 26/03/2024 (11:50 PM) at the
NTA portal ( Candidate may download the Information Bulletin of
CUET (UG)-2024 from the NTA website for detailed general instructions and Information Bulletin of
CUET (ICAR-UG)-2024 from ICAR website ( for instructions specific to the
Agriculture and Allied Sciences programs.
Further, all candidates are advised to be in regular touch with the NTA website(s) and for the latest updates about these examinations.
Controller of Examinations (Agril. Edn.)