Sat. Sep 14th, 2024
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Cellular Jail built with 7 wings, the Indian Bastille stands as mute witness to the untold sufferings valiant defiance and undaunted sprit of the fire brand revolutionaries against the brutalities of the British Barbarism

The Hanging Room "Gallows"
The Hanging Room “Gallows”

The Name “Cellular Jail” is derived from its unique features of having 693 cells each one measuring 13.6″x7.6″ meters.

This three-storied prison, built by Britishers in the year 1906, is a phenomenal architectural tourist memorial buildings and in old times its a punishment destination for freedom fighters.

The Jail has numbers of cells and the gates are made of iron and support rest installed in the buildings are wrought iron it won’t get corroded easily.

Global Advertisement broadcasted in the year 2006 for completing in 100th year of Cellular Jail in the name of “ANDAMAN ISLANDS.

This Cellular Jai Image was taken after independence
This Cellular Jai Image was taken after independence
Cellular Jail during its construction
Cellular Jail during its construction
Inside Cellular Jail

Today 4000-10000 visitors in a month, at the time of peak season visitors are in more than the set numbers, Visitors are love the see the Indian freedom fighter galley and “GALLOWS” and Man operated Oil expeller.

Four wings of the jail were demolished after India achieved independence. However, this led to protests from several former prisoners and political leaders who saw it as a way of erasing the unforgivable evidence of their history.

The G.B.Pant Hospital was set up in the premises of the Cellular Jail in 1963. It is now a 500-bed hospital with about 40 doctors serving the local population. Cellular Jail was declared a National Memorial by the then Prime Minister of India, Morarji Desai on 11 February 1979.

The centenary of the jail’s completion was marked on 10 March 2006. There was a Advertisement in 2006 Discovery Channel on the 100 year anniversary of “CELLULAR JAIL“.

On 25th April 2000 as a part of 50 year celebration India Republic A Gallery of Old Records opened in the name of “ANDAMAN IN OLDEN DAYS” where you can see the photo gallery, which is inaugurated by former Lt. Governor Shri. I.P Gupta L.G A&N Islands.

Old JAIL at Viper ISLAND
Old JAIL at Viper ISLAND

In the year of 1864-1867 Viper Jail is constructed along with the future plan of Cellular Jail for the most notorious prisoners.

Cellular Jai at night
Cellular Jail at night

A authorized guide for the tours are available, at evening a light and sound show organized in English and Hindi and voice over given to characters and showcasing the punishment tribulations and trials of the prisoners. Light and sound are perfectly used to express the consequences faced by the freedom fighters.

The construction of the Jail was taken up in 1893 and completed on 1906 at an estimated cost of 5,17,532/- in rupees.

At a mark of respect to Freedom Fighters, Cellular Jail is dedicated to Nation by the Then Prime Minister of India Shri. Morarji Desai on the 11th February 1979 and now it stands as a National Memorial of Great Historical Importance

Cellular Jail

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