Directorate of IP&T formulates draft ‘Policy for development & promotion of House Boat Tourism in A&N Islands’ Invites suggestions from general public, tourism stakeholders & various Departments by Sept. 30 2024
The Directorate of Information, Publicity & Tourism, A & N Administration has informed that a draft ‘Policy for Development and Promotion of House Boat Tourism in A&N Islands’ has been formulated with the aim to promote and regulate House Boat Tourism in a sustainable and responsible manner, ensuring the preservation of natural resources of these Islands as well as enhancing the tourism experience of visitors. The draft policy also envisages that the operation of House Boats is performed with due consideration of various aspects such as regulatory framework, navigational requirements, safety norms, requirement of sewerage treatment etc. The draft policy is placed in the public domain seeking suggestions/comments/inputs from general public, tourism stakeholders, various Departments etc. The draft policy is available in the official website of Directorate of IP&T All comments/suggestions/inputs may be submitted to the Directorate of IP&T by 30/09/2024, a press release from Directorate of IP&T said.